Our actions are guided by integrity. This extends to dealing with our customers and suppliers, employers, shareholders and the public.
Both our strategic considerations and our day-today business must always be based on high ethical and legal standards. Honesty, sincerity and fairness are attributes of our internal communication as well as our dealings with our partners and public. As our target is sustainable growth the company is not interested only in the results, but also in how these results are achieved. We never tolerate illegal or unfair practices or discriminating behavior to reach our goals.
Our Compliance Guidelines contain binding rules which apply to all of us equally. They oblige us to act accordingly, and to refrain from everything that contradicts these rules

Whistleblower System
Compliance Officer
Head of Legal Department
Christopher Scholz
Griesson - de Beukelaer GmbH Co. KG
August-Horch-Str. 23
56751 Polch
Phone: +49 (02654) 401-1333
Mail: compliance@griesson-debeukelaler.de
Confidential and anonymous information to the GdB Compliance Officer (internal reporting office in accordance with the whistleblower law; multilingual) is possible here:
External Ombudsperson's Office
Dr. Kathrin Niewiarra
c/o Rechtsanwälte Elke Schaefer
Phillipistraße 11
14059 Berlin
Phone: +49 (030) 6098-5291
Mail: griessondebeukelaer@ra-elkeschaefer.de
Confidential and anonymous information to the external Ombudsperson´s office is possible here:
Your information, for example on human rights and environmental risks or breaches of duty, will be kept strictly confidential by all contact persons. Neverthess, you should have reservations about giving your name, we have several secure reporting channels for indications of possible compliance violations on the Internet, which can also be used to submit anonymous reports around the clock:
You can contact GdB's external ombudsperson's office at www.vertrauenssachen.de.
You also have the option of contacting the Griesson - de Beukelaer Compliance Officer directly in a secure, confidential and anonymous way. Reports to the Compliance Officer can be made in several languages and can be submitted in writing or by voice message.