Trust tastes better. You can taste quality but before one of our products can create that moment of pure pleasure for you, it is our job to select the right raw materials, to process them safely and to package them more sustainably. And that’s where you can certainly trust us!
With our voluntary code of practice ‘Code for Food Safety, Consumer Protection & Sustainability’, we set the most exacting standards for ingredients and production processes – and these go far beyond the legal requirements.

This is what we are ever mindful of:
- certified raw materials
- natural flavourings
- sugar and salt content
- vegetarian and increasingly vegan products
We steer well clear of this stuff in our baked goods:
- genetic engineering
- additives such as artificial colourings, preservatives and flavour enhancers
Proven quality is our watchword
This is what trust tastes like and it means our bakers and confectioners, food technologists and nutritionists leave nothing to chance. They regularly check raw materials, processes and products in each section. That’s why we have no qualms about anyone looking over our shoulder – and are consistently given top ratings. And that’s something we are proud of because all these checks and audits evidence our expertise and forge on our further development.

Choice raw materials for the highest quality
Our raw materials form the basis for the exceptional quality of our baked goods specialities, which is why we make no compromises in this respect and prefer to buy from regional and sustainably certified sources. This is how we see our responsibility towards the environment and people – today and in the future.
As regards sustainability down the supply chain, we see it as particularly important to encourage resources efficiency, transparent processes, social responsibility and a recycling economy, for this is how we will create environmentally more friendly and more ethically based supply chains. And it is my conviction that they will then be more resilient to global challenges.
- We buy 100 per cent of our cocoa products for our branded goods from Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certified farms.
- For all products – both brands and own-label brands – the proportion of certified cocoa is already at 86 per cent. Working together with international organisations, we make sure in the countries where these crops are cultivated that the environment and human rights are protected and that cocoa farmers are trained in more sustainable cultivation and receive fairer pay.
- We also work together with the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO) on projects which improve living conditions in the producing countries.
We source the hazelnuts we use in our branded products from Rainforest Alliance certified farms.
- We produce both palm oil-free products and products containing palm oil.
- We source 100 per cent of our palm oils and palm kernel oils from RSPO-certified sustainable cultivation. Almost the entire quantity, over 99 per cent, comes from the ‘Segregation’ supply chain model, which enables traceability back to the area of cultivation.
- We have been an active member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) ever since 2010. By engaging in a direct dialogue with other businesses, NGOs, associations and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, we are seeking to develop and improve the standards.
- We only use eggs from KAT-certified laying farms with barn or free-range practices (KAT: association promoting controlled alternative forms of animal husbandry).
- We have prioritised controlled and alternative forms of animal husbandry from as long ago as 2007, for which we have received the ‘Golden Egg’ award from the international animal welfare organisation Compassion in World Farming.
We are mindful of regionality. Most of our grain is grown in Germany and the neighbouring countries, which allows us to avoid unnecessarily long haulage distances.
Innovative and vegan: moments of pure pleasure for everyone
As a family-run business we are convinced that it makes sense to increasingly turn our attentions to a plant-based diet. To this end, we are working on our recipes and steadfastly focussing on the taste and quality of our products. Our LEICHT&CROSS crispy bread and the delicious Cereola biscuits initially set the vegan recipes in motion, with sandwich biscuits and cookies following at the end of 2024. Our development department is now working on further recipes.
Still have any questions?
More information on our products’ ingredients and nutritional values, answers to FAQs as well as our contact form for questions and suggestions for our customer service team can be found here.